Saturday, September 4, 2010


Laughter! A chuckle, the belly laugh, the dainty laugh, the busting at the seams laugh, the snort laugh, the hyena laugh, the quiet laugh, the tempered laugh, and the hearty laugh. I LOVE LAUGHTER! Is there a like button for this on facebook? Sign up me on the Laugher Member Page. I AM A FAN OF LAUGHTER!!!! For those of you who know me, you know this to be a fact!!!

Laughter is good medicine. It brings healing to the soul. When you choose to laugh, you choose the joy that God intended for your life. God even says that the joy of the Lord is your strength, which makes me wonder why so many Christians go around frowning all the time! WHY? You have an amazing God who not only created you but things that you are absolutely amazing. He created laughter and joy. He created your face to smile!

And I know that sometimes we feel like life just stinks. Take for instance my morning yesterday. I stubbed my finger, five minutes later stubbed my toe, and then I spilled my Dr. Pepper. By the time I spilled my Dr. Pepper I was ticked. Inside—my temper was yelling—THIS DAY IS GONNA STINK. And then I stopped to think about it. My finger and toe still throbbing and Dr. Pepper all over me equals a hilarious picture! I had to laugh!!!!

And I know you aren’t always going to laugh. I am not trying to make light of the really tough stuff that you will face in life. Not everything is a laughing matter, but I think you are in serious trouble if laughter has ceased from your life!

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