Sunday, September 26, 2010

When you get too Tired...that is when you Keep Going!!!

When you are too Tired...that is when you Keep Going!

I had just got off work @ 3:30pm. I had already been up since 5am. I was hoping to go home and take a nap for an hour before going into the all night New's Year Eve Youth Event with a neighboring church. Of course, the minute my head hit the pillow, the calls started and never stopped. An hour later I got up as exhausted as I started. I survived the evening drinking 5 hour energy shots one after another. I know...terrible for your heart, but its the only thing I knew how to get through it. I even considered drinking coffee. (GAG) Thirty six hours of being awake later, I was sitting in the parking lot of the church waiting for a parent to come pick up their kids. Fantastic of course they were an hour late! I remember thinking...I am going to run this van off the road on the way home. My friend followed me to return the borrowed van from a neighboring church. When I finally got home, I fell into bed exhausted.

This is a typical story in my life as a bi-vocational minister. Everyone says, when you get exhausted that is when you need to take a break and rest. However, there are seasons in ministry when you will not be able to do this. In this moments when you are too tired that truly is when you have to keep going! You have to grip your teeth and just tell yourself that you can make it that next hour or that next day or that next week. I think sometimes the minute things get hard we want to throw in the towel.

However, for every one of those sleepless times of church work, I can say its was WORTH IT! Yes, it was worth it!!!! So remember when you get TOO tired, keep going because God will give you the strength that you need. I have a theory that God gives special strength to bi-vocational and volunteer and full time ministers!!!! He's got us...and just because we are tired its not a good excuse to give up!!! PRESS ON!!!

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