Saturday, April 24, 2010


1 Cor. 9:19-23

If but for some--even if its just for a few! This is why I serve, lose sleep, give myself completely to work God has placed in my hands to do. It is for the few!

Sometimes we get caught up in numbers. We say, "Lord I'll do anything for you, but just make sure that my youth group is running this number a year from now."

However, would we still be willing, if a year from now after much sacrifice and serving our youth group actually was running less?

What if you served in the same place 4/5 years and only saw a few students completely saved and changed....would it be worth it to you?

Paul gives us an intense challenge. He says that he does everything he can that he might save SOME! Notice, he does not put hundred, thousands, millions. Allthough, I am quite certain that it was Paul's aim to reach as many as possible, his focus was not numbers. Instead, he was focused on what mattered! Doing all he could to reach those that God placed in his life at that moment.

So do you live in the now trying to do all that you can to reach the SOME God has placed in your life and ministry. Maybe some people aren't quite your type. Maybe "GASP" they don't love Jesus yet and we love them to a relationship with Jesus. However, I would love to see us begin to rise up as a generation and do everything we can to reach this generation no matter how different they may be from us. Lord, give us the heart of Paul to go after them--no excuses--and do what it takes to reach them!

Think about it tonight--How does God want to use you in this generation to reach the SOME that you can whether you are a Pastor or not?????

Be encouraged that God has placed the some in your life and now it's our time to love them and reach them by the Lord's help in our lives!

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