Sunday, April 4, 2010

Moving Forward

Moving forward requires sometimes leaving behind what you love, invested years in, and placed your heart into. However, there are times when moving forward is an absolute necessity. If you are going to go where God wants to take you, be the person he wants you to become, and meet the people he desires to place you into their lives, you have to leave behind what you once loved.

The hard part is that after all the investment and time, it can be the hardest thing to walk away. Everything inside you wants to make it work, but you finally realize that those best wishes will never come true. And so you pick yourself up and walk away. You make the break--as uneven as it might be knowing that in the end you have made the best decision of your life. The hardest part is realizing what you have to do and then doing it. The freedom comes in doing it!!! God is good like that because when you follow him in obedience he backs you up with his strength and encouragement.

I find myself in this moment right now where I need to move forward, but everything inside me wants to hold onto the past--hold onto what has already been done, what has already been said, the moments that have already been lived. However, those things no longer matter--the thing that matters most is that I move forward to what the Lord has for me today!

God help me!!!!!!

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