Friday, January 11, 2008

Why do I fear the Unknown

Well...I find myself back at CBC for my last semester! It is during this time I realize what I am about to launch into. It is an incredible responsibility. I have lived since I was 13 for this very moment when I am able to go into full-time ministry. Still...I found that over Christmas I began to fear and become apprehensive. I never knew it would feel this way. It is a plac where I find myself launching myself out into the unknown....just me and God. I have never been in this place before.

Something I realized today in chapel is that it is easy to only partially trust God. This semester I am learning to truly trust God with all I am. Why? 4 months I graduate and I still have no idea where I will end up. In this moment, I am learning that the unknown is actually one of the greatest times to grow in God...because when you walk toward the unknown all you have is the call.

So I toss away fear of the unknown! I can do this because I know that GOd will bring me through. He didn't call me at 13 to be a youth pastor and bring me all the way through Bible College to just leave me know. I can trust God because I KNOW THAT IN HIM he will bring me through!

Well...I will leave now this random ramblings upon the mind of this soon to graduate senior!

1 comment:

ROD said...

Excellent thoughts. No need to fear the unknown when God is there.