Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's okay to be not be OKAY

There are things we don't talk about. Things we don't share. But tonight lets have an honesty moment...

There are times when you have to come face to face with reality. These times can be so hard. I usually cry. Especially when these moments involve letting go of things/places/people/memories that you love. Its like your heart gets ripped out and a portion of it is left behind. You want so badly to reach out and keep it, but you can't get past it until you let go and walk away. What you are grabbing for is no longer yours to have. Whether its a career change, financial set-back, a relationship, friendship, sickness, or the loss of a loved one to name a few.

I try to always pull off being the tough girl. However, sometimes I just gotta let it out. I am not strong alone-only by God's providing hand do I get through. And I have to come to grips with the fact that its okay to have a breakdown. Its okay to not have all the answers. Its okay to admit to emotions, pain, lack of control, and fear. Its okay to stand in this moment and watch everything around me fade. And in this moment as I collapse to the ground and as I come face to face with realization, I pray that God will give me the strength I need to keep breathing, fighting, believing, loving, and pursuing. AND I KNOW THAT HE WILL!

Why would I write such an emotional note right now? The reason is, in talking to a lot of you lately, lovely friends of mine, you are going through some of the same things-the TOUGH STUFF. Its hard to watch you try to stand there trying to be courageous when I see that inside you are breaking. Remember tonight, that is okay to admit weakness! Its okay to admit that you are not okay! Why? Because tonight God is there and HE CARES. And the Bible says this, that God's strength is perfected in your weakness!

So its okay to not be okay. Let God come tonight and help you through! May he comfort you like he has lately!

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