Thursday, October 23, 2008

Youth Minstry Development....what?

With the launch service a week away for Element Student Ministries, I have found myself either excited out of my mind or feeling like this thing is entirely over my head! Last night I had my second leaders meeting! Can I just say God has blessed me with some great youth leaders! Already we are setting the pace and believing God for great things.

Planting a youth ministry was not taught to me in the classroom. I never heard the words, how to develop a youth ministry when there is none. I even googled it the other day and only found one link for resources on developing a youth ministry! This is an exciting place, WHY? Well, because we don't really know what we are doing. We are just following God and getting creative! Sometimes I laugh with my leaders because they look to me to be the expert! Well...lets have an honest moment. I have interned with three youth pastors, beeen a youth leader for 5 years, and graudated from college with a BA in youth ministries, but I still don't know everything. Far from it....with every planning meeting and every order of service I attempt to put together...I realize how much I admire my mentors and teachers. I admire my youth pastors and the youth pastors who mentored me! I sit here today...I begin to think of this awesome opportunity! God do great things!

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