Thursday, February 11, 2010


"Sometimes you got to step out of the normal that you live in to realize that your not the norm! There is a lost world out there that is within our reach if we will just take that one step."

This was the thought that came to mind tonight sitting in a living room in a poor area in Springfield. The smell of cigarette smoke, alcohol and drugs were present in the place. Cigarettes hung out of mouths while they sipped on alcohol. It was like a stop and smell the roses moment, OR RATHER STOP AND REALIZE APRIL THAT THIS IS THE WORLDS REALITY WITHOUT GOD. OUCH!!!

This is the thought that comes to my mind every week when I encounter the issues of students who were not raised in church. They don't know how to be a Christian...and certainly don't know how to act at church. We point our fingers, yell at them, but forget that it is our responsibility to first teach them in love how to be a Christian!

If we would just step out of "NORMAL" in church ministry, I have a feeling that God would begin to do huge things in the blocks of Springfield and Willard. If we would begin to think beyond "NORMAL" I think that the church would be actively reaching into unchurched students lives and reaching the alcohol smoke filled homes in America.

What is it going to take for us to have a "UN-NORMAL" thought? What is it going to take to help us realize that our normal as Christians is not the reality of America.

I think its time for us to pray that God would help us to reach the NORM! I think its time for us to seriously take that step....get out of our norm.

Visit an unsaved person's home...come to my youth group on Wednesday...go to a basketball game and listen to how the people act and say!

Its time for us to realize....WE ARE NOT NORMAL! How can we reach the NORMAL? How can we reach our world!????

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