Monday, August 18, 2008

The things I love!

Recently, I read an article about how our primary love should be for God and for the lost! I agreed…but then I began to think about how many things I deem to love in my life! It generated a funny list. I will share it with you in hopes that it will help you evaluate what it is you love in life and reprioritize it to make Jesus # 1!

Jesus—of course…He rocks my face off and is the reason I live!
Dr. Pepper—so good!
Food—lately I have realized that life without it is just blah
My friends—they are the greatest. I don’t know what I would do without them.
Wireless internet—oh yes…sweet nectar of life!
Frozen Chai—this is one of my favorite things ever
Chocolate—oh oh how I do love chocolate
Dexter—I know its bad…but I love this show. (season two is out on DVD now)
Students—especially junior higher’s…but seriously students are the best!
My family—at times they drive me crazy…but seriously I could not live without them.
My friend’s families—I love meeting them and yes they are awesome!
Movies—oh I love movies….especially Batman…but seriously movies rock!
Amanda—she gets her own category…I love you Amanda!
Golden Retriever dogs—they are precious
Pigs—so so cute! (However, I would never want to have one as a pet so don’t go buying me one!
CBC’ers—I love students and alum of CBC!
JRA—I absolutely love this church….it took awhile…but now I love it!
Church plants—I love the idea of starting something new from the ground up
Colorado—I love the mountains…it’s my home!
The Broncos—yes I love to watch football!
Basketball—I love playing basketball
Running—its super stress relieving…how could you not love a good sweat!
Monk/Psych/Bones/24—I love these TV shows
Youth Ministry—I love and believe in this with all I am
Skinny cows—these are the best little low fat ice cream sandwiches you will ever sink your teeth in
Apples—I’ve tried mostly every apply variety there is…and they are wonderful
Talking about ministry and God stuff with friends—I love to talk about this
Cooking—hmmm…again has to do with food!
Baking cookies—yummy!
Hiking—there is nothing like climbing a mountain and looking down at the rest of the world
Helping others out—I love to see the smile on peoples faces when you do something for them that they were unable to do for themselves
Road trips—YES…I love these, especially with good friends or family
Facebook—gotta love it
Text messaging—I have unlimited…if this explains anything to you!

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