So for Christmas this past year my brother gave me two very amazing gifts! These are in fact singing pigs that dance. However, when I tore open the package and pressed the botton to play them nothing happened. You see....my brother had forgotten to but the most important item....batteries! Without the batteries the pigs were nothing more than a stuffed animal. However, once I found batteries and put them in...it was a joy to watch the singing pigs dance over and over again. However, I noticed that after a few days the novelty wore off and I didn't really laught quite as hard anymore when they danced for me. It made me think...now don't give me a hard time...I know I tend to spiritualize things I shouldn't.... but it trigured this thought! How often do we treat God like a novelty that has worn off. When we first experienced him or had an experience we were consummed by him, but then the novelty wears off and we treat God like he's nothing.
These little dancing piggies are challenging me to wake up every morning and pursue God like I never have before. Like he is a package that I have yet to unwrapp!
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