Saturday, August 28, 2010

Block Party

Today was an amazing day. I got to serve beside some of the most amazing people. My youth leaders continue to astound with the love that they serve me with. I am so lucky to have each and every one of them. And my students were rolling up their sleeves as well loving on the people on the block and serving!

In case you are wondering what I am rambling about, we had a block party today in Willard on Willow Lane. This block has stole my heart. On it live real families, real people, just living life. We don't know all their stories and we have not lived their lives, but they certainly deserve love.

I got to meet the most amazing people on the block today. It was incredible to learn their names, hear their stories, talk through experiences, play games with them. And lets not forget I beat 5 guys and 1 girl in a watermelon eating contest!

My point is that this is MINISTRY. Ministry goes where the people are. It does not expect them to come to us.

I wonder about it sometimes...what would if I never went beyond the church walls how many people I would have missed!

I challenge each of you that read this to step out, meet some people outside the church, get to know their names, and ultimately help them see the love of God through your life!

Monday, August 23, 2010


I miss you! Why does distance seem to tear at the heart of a woman some days!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Christ's Love Demonstated to the People Around YOU!

Sometimes I struggle with something. If I am to be honest tonight, I struggle to let people in. I feel like when you really let someone in they are going to see what you are and ultimately push you away. So I think that sometimes its better to keep people at arms length. However, as God breaks down my heart, I cannot help but let people in and deeply love them. However, when you deeply love people it hurts so much more when they let you down.

This I think is the hardest part of being a youth pastor. You love your kids so much. You do everything you can to believe in them. You love them with everything inside and then at times they completely push you out.

This is the hardest part of life is letting someone in close and have them hurt you or push you away. I know that most time in life these things are not intentional, but sometimes they are. That is the risk in loving deeply. However, I have come to a conclusion. I would rather love deeply than not love at all or just love casually. I want to truly, deeply love the people in my life--especially my students. I want them to know that even when they let me down, hurt me, I am going nowhere! I also look forward to when God gives me the man he has for me unconditionally love him, despite everything.

When I want to be selfish and push people away, I am reminded of a love-Christ's love that bore my sins on a cross! He gave me everything so that I could have eternal life. How much more should I give him? I am embracing the people God has placed in my life, pushing past my fears, and choosing to love them!

This is Christ's love demonstrated in me! I could not do this in my own power!

So how about you today--are there some people that God wants you to let in and truly love them. Its worth it! It's worth the risk--allow God to use you to truly love people today. Push past your fears! Choose to LOVE!