I'm just an ordinary woman who God believed in enough to call to do extraordinary things. While I don't understand why God chose me, I am thankful he did. God is my consuming desire in my life and my call to reach a generation of students drives me through every challenge I face on a daily basis. God can make the ordinary extraordinary
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Unexpected Good News
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Investing in Students!

On the way back to lovely Welch....AJ and I began to talk about if we really truly do make a difference in students lives. I began to think of people like Pastor Ron, Brad Duncan, Vicky Kilmer, and Wendy Sebastian to name a few of the people that truly touched my life when I was in high school and junior high. I am who I am today because of their investment. Sooooo....YES I believe that we as youth leaders really can make a difference in students lives...AND IT IS INDEED AN EXCITING VENTURE! :)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
92 Degree Moments!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
However, as I preached this weekend and met new people, I found that this is my passion. This is what I love. I love to go out and meet new people. I love to preach. I love to teach. I love to talk about evangelism. I love to do evangelism. I love to encourage people to be all they can be. I love to think of all God can do through someone who places their life in their hands. I love how God can take nothing and make it something. I love how God can put flesh back on bones. I LOVE THE GOD I SERVE!
So as I sit in the airport this morning and head back to the familiar, to the place I’ve grown to love and the people I’ve loved for last four years, I find that I am not quite the same. In a sense, I have grown through this experience. Whether I go to Conn. or not, I will be moving in the next 4 weeks. I still get a little nervous at the thought, but yet I am exciting because I am living my dream! Sooo….as James Douglas inspires me to say, Forward I must GO!