This past Friday was Junior Senior! It was such a great day/night! I straightened my hair for the first time ever! (Thanks to my great friend Barbara who tamed it with her Chi?) Anyways, it was a great night. Besides a few awkward moments, it was a great night! The theme was Mafia...and it was a blast! One where I looked back over the past four years and laughed and towards the end almost cried! Its been a great 4 years spent at CBC. I have met some of the greatest people who are going to do great things for Kingdom of God. It is tough to realize that we are now all going to be moving on, but I know one thing...and that is that I cannot wait to see what God is going to do through our lives and ministries.
Finally, there was the after party!!! Now this was called Wiggin through the decades. AJ and I switched wigs and it ended up being a hilarioius night. We went roller skating and I am pretty sure that I fell about 12 times. The greatest moment was when I fell doing the Cha Cha and told AJ I was done and skated off. I spent the rest of the night with ice packs on my knees and wrist.
Anyways....good memories! I am going to miss CBC!