The UNEXPECTED!!! I learned that is is a part of life. I either love or hate it. Sometimes you have weeks that bring you both good and bad unexpected moments. This week was one of those weeks for me. I realize this is what is ahead of me for awhile as I approach the future. Everything that lies ahead is going to be full of unexpected. For the longest times I have been fighting it. However, the other day God spoke to my heart that he can most fully work through me during times of the unexpected. As soon as God gripped my heart with that reality I have been forced to live it all week. So many unexpected things have arisen that have tested me to the max. However, I find that in the unexepted something happens to me. I begin to take risks. I find myself jumping finally when during times of normalcy I never would.
The other day I realized I have been standing at the edge of jumping off the cliff of God's will for my life. I have been so scared to jump. I keep making excuses for how their are jagged rocks below and no one to catch me. I complain about how I will die in the process of jumping. I cry out to God daily, "I won't make it." However, God keeps saying to jump. This past week, I finally jumped in so many ways towards what God is leading me to. You know what I found....all along God was there to catch me. Its crazy to me how it is so hard to just do what God speaks sometimes. I am thankful that in unexpected times God can help me take the leaps I need to.